Green World Group’s Job Vacancy page acts only as a venue for bridging consultants/employers and HSE candidates. The Company does not screen the accuracy or censor the job listings/job advertisements offered and candidate’s resume posted.

The Company is not involved in the actual transaction between employers and candidates. As a result, the Company has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the jobs or resumes posted, nor does the Company control the accuracy or truth of the job listings, the ability of employers to Offer job opportunities to candidates or the ability of candidates to fill job openings. The Company shall not be responsible for any employment decisions, for whatever reason made by the consultant/employer or candidates.

The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, thoroughness, reliability, or quality of content (i.e. accuracy or truth of job listing descriptions and resumes) at the Web Site, and will not be responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, typographical errors or omissions in job descriptions and resumes.

The Company will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a users reliance on information obtained from the Web Site. Candidates are solely responsible for cross-verifying job postings on the Web Site. Despite our efforts to provide timely and accurate information, we may have errors from time to time.