From Strain To Strength: Overcoming Workplace Stress

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Workplace stress is common in most professional lives. However, if left unaddressed, workplace stress can lead to some serious health issues such as mental health issues, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Work-related stress affects nearly 83% of all people at work. So, how to minimize the risk of stress in the workplace? Here are some tips to alleviate stress and achieve effective stress management.

What is workplace stress?

It is a common response to pressures that exceed the ability to cope. Long-term stress becomes chronic and ends up in severe health problems.

Encourage Open Communication

The workplace stress of employees mostly comes from their superiors. Employees who don’t feel comfortable with their upper management suffer from extreme stress levels.

Training sessions and workshops on active listening, open communication, and constructive feedback can give resources for managers to handle and communicate effectively with employees.

Establish wellbeing at work policy

Make efforts to foster a comfortable workplace for employees. Ensuring ergonomic workstations that support good posture is an appreciated activity. Motivate employees to take a short break away from their desks.

Spot the signs of stress

You must identify what makes you stress before it makes you ill. Recognize the source of stress, and speak to your manager or someone who can help with that in the organization.

Build a supportive environment

Encouraging teamwork, ensuring support systems, and establishing positive cultures are some of the ways where employees can feel valued and supported. Moreover, it can help to come up with solutions to work together, feel less isolated and open doors to reduced stress levels.

Develop stress-coping skills

When you do not have the skills to cope with the demands, you start developing stress. Hence, it is essential to support employees to build the skills to effectively manage the demands, thus making them better at managing work-related stress.

Workplace culture has a robust role in mitigating stress levels. A positive workplace culture that fosters support, open communication, and motivation of employee contributions can reduce stress and enhance overall satisfaction in the job.

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